Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Seth's Movie in review: "Cabin in the Woods"

When I heard of this movie first coming into theaters, it looked half-way decent. It had a pretty stellar cast including Sigourney Weaver, Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whitford & Chris Hemsworth. It had its fair share of B actors, but in my experience, if you have a cast of talented actors, it can carry the movie.

Let me say... I'm SOOOO happy I waited to watch it on DVD. It was 2 hours of my life I will NEVER get back. I didn't expect it to be Golden Globe material, but something I could watch, not think to much on and laugh at. Well, the "not think too much" part was there. It was worse than "Cabin Fever" and "Wrong Turn" (The first one, not the seventh). The whole idea behind the movie was stupid and I didn't really find enjoyable...

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
Reason: I found Richard Jenkins & Bradley Whitford amusing together and the 2 chicks in the movie are pretty hot.

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